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quarta-feira, 14 de junho de 2017

Soundgarden, é revelada na íntegra

Foto da capa do álbum “Superunknown”, do Soundgarden, é revelada na íntegra

O fotógrafo Kevin Westenberg divulgou por completo ,em sua conta no Instagram, a imagem que foi utilizada como capa do disco de maior sucesso comercial do Soundgardem, “Superunknown”.

A arte, que é conhecida como “Screaming Elf”, traz a imagem distorcida de Chris Cornell, o guitarrista Kim Thayil e o baixista Ben Shepherd, numa montagem sobre uma floresta queimando de cabeça para baixo em preto-e-branco.

A misteriosa foto distorcida não apresentava o baterista Matt Cameron, que aparece nesta imagem original mostrada por Westenberg (logo abaixo).

O fotógrafo revelou que a sessão de fotos não foi previamente produzida e ele não participou da concepção final da arte de capa. “Fiquei chateado com o fato de Matt ter sido cortado da imagem usada no disco. Não foi minha escolha. Além disso, de onde veio o nome ‘Screaming Elf’?”, comentou.

Superunknown é o quarto álbum de estúdio do Soundgarden, lançado em 8 de março de 1994 e rendeu sucessos como “Fell on Black Days”, “Spoonman” e “Black Hole Sun”.

I'm fortunate that during my career I have worked with many of my art director heroes. There have been many discussions concerning visual philosophy and theory as to what makes something work, and why the opposite holds true. In some ways this cover was just one glorious accident. There was no real plan on the day of the album shoot for SUPERUNKNOWN. Most times with every musician, no matter which style of music I was working around the world, there would rarely be a plan. During those jobbing years where there were crazy budgets and infinite patience on the part of all involved, a level of trust was earned. Looking back I suppose my level of trust in the business at this stage was fairly high. To the point where I would think of the atmosphere to create and the technical ability needed to achieve the vision and then we just go for it with the blessings of all the moneymen. The level of consultation and planning was also minimal, as you never wanted to let them see you sweat. It was all about the end result and as my confidence during all those prime years was never an issue, there were also never any moments where I took my foot off the throttle. I pushed myself to the point of exhaustion constantly. If there were no nerves before a big shoot like this one with SOUNDGARDEN, then you're walking dead. Forget it. I knew the stakes were high for this band that I loved so much. The absolute need to perform was there throughout. Also, as someone who was born in Seattle but had by then immigrated to the UK, it was even more important. Maximum creative pressure is never a bad thing. This here is the full frame used for the album cover for SUPERUNKNOWN. While constructing the idea, I never expected this to somehow ever equate with the fantastic range of musical ideas created on the album. There’s always an added bit of luck and happenstance thrown in as well. Side note; I was always disappointed that Matt was cut out of the cover by the crop. Not my choice. Also, where did the name ‘Screaming Elf’ ever come from? Definitely not my choice! Good Times. Photo: Kevin Westenberg. #kevinwestenberg #realfilmrealwestenberg #soundgarden
Uma publicação compartilhada por KW (@kevinwestenberg) em
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